Pratham Software
Pratham Software

Creating everlasting customer experiences driven by flexibility & agility in delivering tangible results.

Software Development, IT Services
About Pratham Software

Pratham Software (PSI) is a global IT solutions company that helps SMEs, Fortune 1000/500 Companies, Global ISV's and market leaders propel through a successful digital transformation across businesses. We are a digitally smart workforce of 500+ employees nurtured by our 23+ years of domain expertise and technological prowess. We boast an average of 4+ years of client retention ratio across our international client base of industry leaders, spanning across seven geographies i.e. North America (USA & Canada), Europe (the UK, Germany, Nordics) Australasia (Australia, New Zealand) Asia.

  • Founded in

  • Headquarter city

    Saratoga, CA
  • Industry

    Software Development, IT Services
  • Team Size

  • Office Location

    G1-265-266, RIICO Industrial Area, EPIP RIICO, Sitapura, Jaipur, Rajasthan 302022
  • Website

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